Benefit Concert at Marymount Adult Centre to support Cats Committee

Welcome to the EMSB Administration Building Bugle. This will be the new place for announcements to be made to the building. Whether it is a book or clothing sale, news of upcoming nuptials or special anniversary, please send us your news. We are anxious to hear from you.

The Côte Saint-Luc Cats Committee (CSLCC) will hold a fundraising concert on Tuesday, August 25 (7:30 p.m.) at the former Wagar High School (5785 Parkhaven).  Featured performers will be the Musicians of the World Symphony Orchestra (, conducted by Joseph Milo and  Montreal-born singer, dancer and actress Nicole Raviv. She now lives in New York, where she has performed in a number of Off Broadway productions.
These two kittens were rescued by the committee and adopted.

Funds raised from  A Bouquet of Classics and Other Fun Music  will go towards the CSLCC’s Trap, Neuter, Release and Adopt Program and Educhat (, the volunteer organization headed by Shelley Schecter.There are many feral cats in the community. The CSLCC’s team of volunteers sets out to trap as many as possible, have them sterilized and then adopted or returned to the spot where they were originally found.

The CSLCC will   honour  the city`s treasurer Ruth Kleinman, Finance Administrative secretary Elizabeth Ruhry  and accounting agent Maria Picciuto  for the support they have given the committee.  In addition, they have set a wonderful example for others to follow by feeding a homeless cat outside the library on a daily basis.

EMSB Communications and Marketing Specialist and CSL Councillor Mike Cohen, responsible for Animal Protection in the city, notes that the concert will be an opportunity for people who love animals to enjoy an evening of fine music while contributing to a good cause. 

The Musicians of the World Symphony Orchestra (MWSO) is composed of 55 musicians: about 80 percent of its members are from 15 countries around the world, while the remaining 20 percent are natives of Montreal who successfully facilitated the integration of the newcomers.

Tickets are only $10 each (tax included) and can be purchased by contacting Mike at extension 7243 or at

Click here to listen to an interview on CJAD with Councillor Cohen.

WELCOME TO OUR NEW DG: Ann  Marie Matheson has been appointed the new Director General of the EMSB, succeeding Robert Stocker who stepped down in May and now serves as a senior advisor. Ms. Matheson’s connection to the EMSB dates back to the beginning of her 23 year career in education. As a member of the Student Services Department of the former Montreal Catholic School Board (MCSC), she was directly involved with programs meant to reduce absenteeism and increase student success rates in all high schools, including St. Raphael, St Pius X and Paul VI schools.  For three years, from 2011 to 2014, Ms. Matheson was an EMSB commissioner for Ahuntsic.

Additionally, Ms. Matheson served as the International Baccalaureate Program Coordinator at Marymount Academy International in its founding years and most recently,  was on loan-of-service to the Ministry of Education and had responsibility for the École Montréalaise Program in English schools – 19 of which were in the EMSB. Most recently Ms. Matheson has worked for the Lester B. Pearson School Board as a principal at LaSalle Community Comprehensive High School. Theparent of two children who have attended EMSB schools, she served on the Region 3 Parents Committee and Central Parents Committee in 2005.
Robbie Rohwer

GOOD LUCK ROBBIE AND JOHNNY:  We want to extend our best wishes to Johnny Saulter and  Robbie Rohwer, who both did such an excellent job as the day caretakers at the Administration Building last year. Johnny has already moved on to Westmount Park Elementary School while Robbie, the son of Candace Laflamme, will be taking a 10-month leave of absence to travel. Mario Levesque will join us as the new day caretaker while Bart Barbato will take over evenings, assisted by Meaghan Dove

PARKING LOT: Work continues on the visitor's parking lot. The expected completion is the end of September

MAGAZINE AND NEWSPAPERS: Please stop by our magazine and newspaper display across from the security desk on a regular basis to see what you new publications we have for you to read.


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